Archive for November, 2011

This morning at school we held a cake sale for Children in Need. The children are all wearing spotty clothes and they will do some fun activities to raise money to help children who really need it.

I am so thankful that I have 2 healthy children. Yes, they  have both had their problems but we are almost at the end of them now. Next week Robyn has an outpatients appointment with her surgeon and Katie also sees her paediatrician but that should be the end of a long journey with them both.
I am thankful that we have had the help and support of friends, family and professionals to get us through the hard times… and let’s be honest, there have been some very hard times with Katie inparticular.

This morning at school I bumped into a very special lady, Heather. I claimed Heather as my unsung hero of 2009 in this blog post because she did so much for Katie and us as a family. I have to confess that I didn’t recognise Heather straight away but she recognised me. It brought a tear to both our eyes as we spoke about Katie. To be able to update her on her progress was marvellous. It helped me to remember just how far we have come in the last few years.
It is possible I will see Heather in school more often now as she has a new role working with older children with statements. I am still so thankful to her. The fact that she remembers us so well proves I was right to claim her as my unsung hero.


Today’s positiveness

Posted: 17 November 2011 in About me

So after yesterdays pity party I decided to post something positive.

I weighed myself this morning and since the end of August I have lost 6lb! When I think about how much comfort eating I have done in the last few months this loss is pretty amazing! I’m a sucker for cake. It is my all time favourite comfort food.

Yay me!