Posts Tagged ‘colour’

So, this week the prompt for The Gallery is “Colour”. I’ve gone with Green because it seems to have featured in my photos alot this week and also as we are celebrating St. Patrick’s Day today.

On Saturday we went to Manor Heath Park where they have a “Jungle Experience”. It is free and is a tropical oasis in the middle of a park in Halifax. We have been meaning to visit for a while and with the return of our car we decided we should get out and about!

We had a really lovely time. We saw butterflies, quails, terrapins and fish aswell as wonderful tropical plants. There was plenty to see and we are definitely going back in the summer when we hope there will be more butterflies aswell as more colour in the actual park which was also beautiful.

Here’s just a small selection of the wonderful greens that we saw.

As I already mentioned, today we are celebrating St. Patrick’s Day. Robyns dad is Irish and dear Granny Mary was so proud of their Irish roots. Each year Mary would take Robyn out with all the family to celebrate and the party atmosphere was great.
Today Robyn went to school wearing an Irish ribbon and shamrock badge. She was so proud to tell her teacher and friends that she is half Irish and that she was wearing the badge to celebrate St. Patrick’s day. She even showed the headteacher in the school yard at the end of the school day.

Yep, green is definitely the colour today 😀

You can see more Gallery posts on Colour here.

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