Posts Tagged ‘Christmas’

A Christmas Blessing

Posted: 24 December 2009 in Celebrations
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Well, we are about ready!
Yummy things have been prepared to eat, presents are wrapped and have been sent to Santa, we have all we need from the shops, we’ve been to the doctors with Katie and got antibiotics and an inhaler lol (thankfully she is fine in herself, she just can’t shake off this cough!) and we are now waiting for the festivities to commence! I just wanted to leave a Christmas blessing for all of my friends…

May the eagerness of the shepherds,
The perseverance of the wise men,
The obedience of Mary & Joseph,
And the peace of the Christ child
Be yours this Christmas
And remain with you always.

Have a wonderful Christmas everyone. I hope you get all you wish for and more. Keep warm and safe.

Merry Christmas!

The snow started on Thursday evening. It is now Tuesday morning and it is still snowing! Ok, so it hasn’t been constant but it has snowed at least a little bit every day. Sunday was the heaviest day but today is looking likely to match it. The sky is absolutely full of snow. It is coming down thick and fast and the snow that had already fallen hasn’t had a chance to melt.

Christmas is 3 days away! It all feels very festive, like we are living in a picture from a Christmas card. When I was a child I remember having to sing “In the bleak midwinter” over and over again in hymn practice at school. The last line in the last verse is tricky to sing… Yet what I can I give him: Give my heart. This is the line we had to sing and sing and sing until we got it right. Funny how something like that never leaves your memory. Whenever I sing it now as an adult I smile and think about Mrs May. I wonder where she is and I wonder whether she is still forcing children to get it right. I guess she is retired now though lol.

The first verse in that carol is this:

In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan,
Earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone;
Snow had fallen, snow on snow, snow on snow,
In the bleak midwinter, long ago.

That is what is is like here at the moment. I never really thought about the 3rd line before this week. Now I understand. Snow falling on top of snow, on top of snow makes the earth as hard as iron, it is true! When the wind blows it does moan. I can’t say I envy poor Mary giving birth in a stable at any time of year, let alone if the weather was like this!

I’m off for a hot chocolate and to crank the heating up!


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