Archive for the ‘Family’ Category

Samuel was born on 22nd September. Our long awaited and much longed for 3rd baby. I’ll be back to blogging soon I hope. Pregnancy this time was tough and there wasn’t much to blog about other than feeling sick, aching all the time, not being able to walk and gestational diabetes.

Still, he is here now and we are getting used to night feeds. I don’t even know if I have any readers left. I’m waving to you if I do xxx

I love school holidays. I love having the chance to spend more time with my girls and doing different things with them. Katie has been delightful this half term which meant we got to do lovely things together. It makes such a difference to everyone’s moods!

Robyn went away to stay with her dad from Saturday until Wednesday. It works well now that she only goes for half the week. I’m much happier with the arrangement. We missed her loads but it was nice for Katie to have the attention from both me and Anthony for a couple of days.

On Sunday we made biscuits together. This is something we don’t do enough. It was such fun and Katie was so proud of what she created.

On Monday we went to Embsay & Bolton Abbey Steam Railway for a day out with Thomas the Tank Engine. Katie loves Thomas and so it seemed a perfect thing to do while Robyn was away.

Tuesday was a lovely lazy day for me and Katie. Anthony was back at work after his long weekend and so we enjoyed some Mummy & Katie time. We had a wonderful day together.

On Wednesday I decided to brave taking Katie on the train to Manchester. It’s only a 35 minute journey so not too far. I met Robyn at Victoria station and got a nice surprise when her dad handed over £50 in birthday money that she got from relatives while she was away. Katie was still being a good girl so we headed to Primark and got the girls some new summer clothes. I love Primark for cheap kids clothes and it was lovely for Robyn to choose what she wanted with her money. I also took them into Next and got them a nice outfit each in there.
It felt so wonderful to be out shopping with my girls. It was the first time EVER I have felt able to take them both on the train and be independent with them. I walked through Manchester with my head held high because for the first time in ages I felt normal… Anthony was at work and I was shopping with my girls. I cannot tell you how much I have longed for the day I could do that. I felt so proud.

On Thursday we had Robyns best friend and her little brother (our godson) round while their mum went to work. We played outside and had chippy chips for lunch. We made chocolate chip cookies and had a lot of fun!

Friday was a good day too although it started badly for Anthony with a migraine. He went to work but was sent home again. Ironically he began to feel better when he got in so we took the opportunity to go out with the girls. We took them out for lunch and did a spot of shopping before dropping them off at my mum and dads. My sister collected them later on and they stayed at her house overnight. This is because we went away!

We booked ourselves into a hotel just 30 miles away for the night and what a wonderful time we had! We sat outside with a pitcher of Pimms and Lemonade after we had checked in and then enjoyed a swim and chilled out in the spa pool. Dinner was delicious, I had mussels and chips (a real favourite of mine) and Anthony had ostrich steak.

The only thing that put a damper on the night away was when the car wouldn’t start the next morning. We called Green Flag and luckily they got us going again.

All in all we had a superb half term and I’m really looking forward to the summer break. I feel confident that I’ll be able to manage some days out with the girls and that makes me really happy!

I trawled through the archives for this weeks entry to The Gallery and came up with this shot…

Delicious food and wine that was shared with my lovely family on Easter Day this year.

My mum has some testing times ahead in the next few weeks. With a bit of luck she won’t be able to share Easter dinner with us next year. That sounds wrong, right?! Let me explain…

In a couple of weeks she is going to attend a BAP (Bishop’s Advisory Panel) which is essentially a selection conference. She has been going through the process in the hope to be selected to train as an ordained minister in the Church of England. If mum gets selected she will be away for Easter next year. While it will be sad to not spend Easter with her (I think it would be the 1st time ever in my 32 years since she gave birth to me) it would be wonderful if the reason behind it was that she was in training.

So this post is for my mum. I know she would appreciate any thoughts and prayers from any of you in the next few weeks so that Gods will may be done.

The Gallery: Me

Posted: 24 March 2010 in About me, Family, The Gallery
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It’s Gallery time again!

The prompt this week is “Me”. I’ve already posted a self portrait on week 1 so I’ve had to choose something slightly different.
I’ve sat and thought “Who am I?”. I’ve been wondering what one image I could use that incorporates all that I am. I came up with this…

It is obviously a picture of me on my wedding day. Here I am surrounded by my wonderful family. I am Mel. I am a wife and I am a mother.
I am my own person too. I like to spend time on my own and I love my friends dearly.

At the heart of all this though is my family. Without them I would crumble.

To put the world right in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must first cultivate our personal life; we must first set our hearts right.

The theme for Tara’s ‘The Gallery’ this week is numbers. She explains the prompt here…
So today’s prompt is: A number. I want the title of your photo to be one number.
What the heck? I can here you all saying . . .
Well, what about 14: the age you discovered fashion?
Or 10: the number of years you’ve been married?
Or 3: the number of pets in the house?
Or 4: the number of children you have? Etc etc.

I have chosen the number 3. There are 3 people in my life who are at the centre of everything I do. Here they are:

We are a team. We do as much as we can together.

I was reminded on Emilys blog this morning that even our flaws are important to somebody. I love my family to the ends of the earth and back again. Yes, they have traits that might be annoying at times but those flaws give personality. Someone who is perfect would be awfully dull don’t you think?! If you think you are perfect surely you are setting yourself up to fail.
These 3 people teach me new things every day. They make me proud every day and they make me laugh every day.

Be proud of yourself and your family. Don’t aim for perfection, aim for happiness.

Find more Gallery posts on Numbers here

Simple Saturdays

Posted: 20 February 2010 in About me, Family

Today we have had a wonderful day.

It was a slow start to the morning, we chilled in bed for quite a while to make the most of having a day with nothing to do. It was warm and cosy in bed and the girls were playing happily all around the house.
I got up eventually and got in the shower. I managed to discourage Katie from joining me. Sometimes it is nice to have a shower on your own without little Katie dictating how I should do it!

Next came breakfast, or rather Brunch. Anthony went off to buy bacon, egg and sausage rolls for us and we devoured them rather quickly with a hot cup of tea. At this point we were all watching “The Hunchback of Notre dame” on TV.

After some snuggles from the girls and some silly games I went off to the shops to buy some sweets for a photograph as part of the Flickr Monthly Scavenger Hunt. Anthony and I had a little reminisce about them. Anyone else remember Jaw Breakers?! They are smaller than we remembered them to be.

This afternoon consisted of cups of tea, drawing with the girls, more silly games and a quick visit from my Dad. The girls were really pleased to see their Grandad and more cuddles were given.
A simple tea of beans on toast for Robyn and Katie was a milestone in our house. They have always refused it before but they have suddenly decided to like it. I’m super pleased about that because it is such a quick, cheap and healthy meal! Pudding was jelly, raspberry of course. I only buy raspberry jelly. I’m not sure the girls even realise there is another flavour available to buy lol.

The car was picked up by the mechanic. It should be back on Tuesday. Let’s hope it is!

Now we are all watching “Total Wipeout”, a trashy gameshow on TV. All is peaceful and Katie is about to go to bed. We have just realised that Robyn is still in her pyjamas and it made us smile.

Simple, snuggly Saturdays are wonderful. They should be available on prescription. No rushing, no pressure, no bad moods. Just a happy family spending time together and enjoying it. Some might say it is boring but not to us 😀

Robyn came home today. This made us all very happy. Katie came down the stairs grinning from ear to ear. She came up to me and said “Mummy! Robyn there!”. She has been looking for her all week. They love each other to pieces those girls. It is really lovely to see.

This afternoon they have had so much fun together. They have dressed up as “Weeners” (Ballerinas) and worn their “gink gwasses” (pink swimming goggles). My family is back together again where it belongs. That makes me all warm inside 🙂

Here is todays picture for my 365 project. I know I said I probably wouldn’t post them here but I might be changing my mind lol.

Best of 2009: Startup

Posted: 22 December 2009 in Best of 2009, Family
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The prompt for today’s post was a difficult one for me. This is what it said:

Startup: What’s a business that you found this year that you love? Who thought it up? What makes it special?

Of course, until a couple of weeks ago this would have been an easy post. Café Modo without a doubt! It was full of hope, full of promise and full of excitement for our family. In reality it was the opposite. Not the best of 2009 then.

So I got thinking about what I could blog about. Running through the year in my head. The year my family has had, the year my friends have had. Then, suddenly there it was!

My sister and my nephew moved here in July. The company that my sister works for have been wanting to open a new office in the North. They do alot of work in Liverpool and the company is growing all the time. Ali moved in with mum and dad for a bit and opened that office for the company in Rochdale. Having her and Michael here is wonderful. On Saturday they moved into their new home just down the road. A new start for our family and a new start up for Ali’s company. There is a chance that Anthony will work for them in the new year. That would be fantastic!

This post is part of  Gwen Bell’s Best of 2009 blog challenge

Best of 2009: Word or Phrase

Posted: 18 December 2009 in Best of 2009, Family
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My word of the year is FAMILY.

Lots has happened for our family in 2009. More recently with Anthonys job, Katie has taken up alot of headspace this year with her behaviour etc, Robyn has been superb at school, my sister and nephew moved here, my mum is going through an exciting and challenging time and my dad continues to be fantastic.

It has been challenging, exciting, happy, sad, tough and joyful but with my family around me I know we can get through anything that life throws at us. Family remains at the centre of who I am.

Thanks to Mel for the wonderful photograph of my little family! Did I mention I’ve lost almost a stone in weight since this was taken?!

This post is part of  Gwen Bell’s Best of 2009 blog challenge

I had to think about this one. We have been lucky enough to go to my parents seafront apartment in Morecambe lots in 2009. We love it there but I’m not sure it is the “best” place.


I’ve been wanting to go back to Taizé in France ever since I went when I was a teenager but again didnt get there this year. I am going in February though. One whole week on retreat in a place that is just out of this world. Peaceful and inspiring. I am going with my mum and dad but leaving Anthony and the girls at home. We fly to Geneva and then drive to Taizé. Oh my word I cannot wait to see the snow capped Alps! Excited just is not the word! I did not think I would be able to go but my parents, my husband and a very kind friend have made it possible for me.

Sorry, totally digressed there! I did not get there in 2009 but I will in 2010!

So, for 2009 the best place has to be HOME. My little family makes it perfect. As I type this we are sitting in our little home snuggled in cosy clothes, Christmas lights on, curtains closed, drinking hot chocolate, eating stollen and watching “The Grinch”. This is what we love to do. We love to be together and most of all together in our own home. I am so thankful that we have a home of our own. My sister and nephew have spent the past 5 months living with my mum and dad. Tomorrow they move to their new home which is a 2 minute walk from ours! I am excited for them to have  a new home, for my parents to have their home back to themselves and for us to have all my family so close by!

There's no place like HOME!

This post is part of  Gwen Bell’s Best of 2009 blog challenge