Posts Tagged ‘Taizé’

The Gallery: Taizé

Posted: 5 May 2010 in The Gallery
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This weeks theme for the Gallery is The World We Live In.

It is no secret on my blog that I love Taizé. It is a tiny village in Burgundy, France. In that village you will find a monastic community that welcomes people from all around the world. In the summer months there are thousands of young people all there for the same reason… to worship and learn more about their Christian faith.

I first went there when I was just 17. I fell in love with it immediately and returned the following year. Then I had a 13 year gap until February of this year until I could go back again.

The food and accomodation is… well, let’s just say “basic” is being kind! It is all part of the experience though. It must be ok to keep thousands of people going back time after time!

I cannot describe how I feel when I am there. I don’t think I’d want to try too hard. It is a very personal feeling but it is enough to say I feel spiritually uplifted and always leave feeling I have had a fresh breath of life pumped into me.

Yes. Taizé is the corner of the world that I adore. It is a truly special place for me.

Thankful Friday

Posted: 19 February 2010 in Thankful Friday
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It has been half term this week and we have had a lovely time relaxing as a family after I returned from my retreat. I will blog about that another time when the kids are back at school. For now it is enough for me to say it was wonderful but I missed my little family more than I ever imagined I could.

So this week I am thankful for:

  • My family. I am thankful that we can spend time together and enjoy it and also that we are able to spend time apart. We are a family that laugh, cry and be silent together and yet we allow eachother the space we need. To me that is perfect.

  • The NHS. This week Katie had successful appointments with various health professionals to continue the support that we recieve. I was speaking with someone from the States last week about the NHS and it made me realise how lucky we are in the UK. I am so thankful that we get free healthcare that makes such a difference.
  • My friends. One inparticular this week has been great to have around. I am building up a firm friendship with her and we are soon arranging to go swimming together. We have also promised to take our girls (her daughter is Robyns best friend) to the cinema together.
  • My parents. Yet again they are helping us out financially by facilitating the loan that we need to get our car fixed. This time it needs a new engine which is going to cost around £850. Ouch.
  • The kindness of others. Last Sunday while in France we were a bit worried about catching the bus to the train station in time to get the TGV we needed to catch the flight home. There was lots of snow in Taizé and we had a big hill to walk down with our luggage. A lovely French girl offered us a lift down the hill and so we caught the bus and got home. We were so thankful.
  • Good food. In Taizé the food is basic. When I say basic I am being generous. It was lovely to come home and eat good, tasty food! 
  • Taizé. Taizé is a magical place for me where I can feel at peace. I cannot describe how I feel when I am there but I get an immense feeling of wellbeing. That only has to be good.

Have a good weekend everyone xxx

I had to think about this one. We have been lucky enough to go to my parents seafront apartment in Morecambe lots in 2009. We love it there but I’m not sure it is the “best” place.


I’ve been wanting to go back to Taizé in France ever since I went when I was a teenager but again didnt get there this year. I am going in February though. One whole week on retreat in a place that is just out of this world. Peaceful and inspiring. I am going with my mum and dad but leaving Anthony and the girls at home. We fly to Geneva and then drive to Taizé. Oh my word I cannot wait to see the snow capped Alps! Excited just is not the word! I did not think I would be able to go but my parents, my husband and a very kind friend have made it possible for me.

Sorry, totally digressed there! I did not get there in 2009 but I will in 2010!

So, for 2009 the best place has to be HOME. My little family makes it perfect. As I type this we are sitting in our little home snuggled in cosy clothes, Christmas lights on, curtains closed, drinking hot chocolate, eating stollen and watching “The Grinch”. This is what we love to do. We love to be together and most of all together in our own home. I am so thankful that we have a home of our own. My sister and nephew have spent the past 5 months living with my mum and dad. Tomorrow they move to their new home which is a 2 minute walk from ours! I am excited for them to have  a new home, for my parents to have their home back to themselves and for us to have all my family so close by!

There's no place like HOME!

This post is part of  Gwen Bell’s Best of 2009 blog challenge