Posts Tagged ‘Life’

Sad times

Posted: 9 July 2009 in Family, Robyn, Uncategorized
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We are currently struggling to come to terms with the fact that Robyns Granny is dying.

Granny Mary is Robyns biological fathers mum. She is the matriarch of their whole extended family. She holds things together and people go to her for help when they are stuck knowing that Mary will do whatever she can to help and make things better. When Robyn goes away to “stay with her dad” the reality is that she stays with Granny. Granny does all the looking after while her Dad doesnt do a fat lot. He takes her to the park, to McDonalds but doesnt do any of the night times or the day to day care.

Robyn is the apple of Marys eye. She has 4 sons. None of them are married or even in a stable relationship. Robyn is the only girl in the family and she is the grandchild Mary thought she would never have. Robyn & Granny Mary are like two peas in a pod, best friends.

In the 6 years I have known Mary she has done so much for me. She was there when sometimes it felt as though nobody else was. I feel as though I’m about to lose a huge part of my life.

I have just had to email over a letter for someone to read to Mary telling her all the things I should have said a long time ago. She is a wonderful woman and will be sadly missed by so many. With the email I sent the following pictures. I hope she can find some comfort in them.

Katie – July ’09


Robyn at Morecambe – June ’09BILD1904

Robyn at Butlins – May ’09BILD1415

Robyn & Katie sharing a moment – May ’09BILD1738-1

Ten on Tuesday…

Posted: 3 March 2009 in Ten on Tuesday
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Ten on Tuesday this week is “10 ways you can make your life better”.

  1. Laugh. I believe that laughter is one of the best medicines. Laughing is good for the soul.
  2. Live your own life. Don’t let anyone tell you who to be.
  3. Bake. Baking makes me happy. I get a huge sense of achievement when someone eats something I have made and declares it yummy.
  4. Nurture those close to you. For me it is my children. I believe I was born to be a mum. My job is to see my children grow up to be happy and fulfilled.
  5. Have a hobby. I have just discovered sewing and am realising that when I sew I am “Mel” again – not Mummy, not a wife, not a daughter… just Mel.
  6. Believe. I have a strong faith and at times that keeps me going. Everyone needs to believe in something, even if it’s the fairies at the bottom of the garden. Most importantly though believe in yourself.
  7. Learn from your past. Don’t repeat the mistakes but learn from them and use them to make your life better.
  8. Look to the future. It can be exciting if you let it!
  9. Don’t go to bed on an argument. It does nobody any good. Clear the air before you sleep.
  10. Regret nothing. You are who you are and you might just find people love you for it!