Archive for August, 2010

Thankful Friday

Posted: 27 August 2010 in Thankful Friday
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This morning I managed to sleep in until 9am. I wasn’t sound asleep as the girls were awake but I was able to doze while the girls played together nicely. OK, so when I did get up the living room looked like a bomb had hit but at least my batteries were recharged!

This week I am also thankful for:

  • The abundance of blackberries available. Yesterday we picked almost 3lb of juicy berries which will be saved in the freezer to make pies and crumbles through the winter. We shall go and pick more next week when more have ripened.
  • Winning a photo competition on Facebook. My prize was my photograph printed onto a canvas. I’m really thrilled!
  • Katie having a couple of good days.
  • My lovely dad buying the girls a new pair of school shoes each.
  • My husband working extra hard in the evenings after an early start for his day job. He  does the church gardening for extra pennies and out of this next lot of money he says I can have a new laptop. Love that man so much.
  • Managing to lose 2lb this week. I have put on far too much weight this summer and when schools go back I will be back on the wagon properly. This has been a good start.
  • My Grandma. She turns 91 in October and this week I learned that she has said some really lovely things to my dad. She is reflecting on life and making amends for some things that she has said in the past. It just shows that it is never too late to make amends.

School goes back next week. Part of me is sad and part of me is glad. I’m ready for some me time again but I will miss spending time with the girls and being carefree with time.

Robyn is really excited about seeing all of her friends again and Katie is more than ready to go back to nursery. She needs some space from me just as much as I need some space from her.
She has been particularly difficult this last week and we have seen the “old” Katie with tantrums galore along with her kicking and smacking me.

My dad popped round this morning and I was able to let off some steam about how difficult she had been from the moment she woke up. While he was here Katie sat very nicely watching TV and spoke very sweetly to me. I said to my dad that Katie had shot herself in the foot because now she is being all sweet and angelic the damage is already done. My patience had gone, I was in a bad mood with her and I couldn’t find it within myself to forget how horrid she had been beforehand.
I commented that this made me feel bad and then my dad said something that rang very true. He said “She has used up all of your emotional bank balance”.

He explained it like this:

When you have had lots of lovely times, lots of positive experiences and happy, carefree days then one bad day is ok. You can deal with it. When that emotional bank balance is in credit you can afford an off day.
However, when you have bad day after bad day and when things get you down constantly then the next bad day can be epic. When you are already in your emotional overdraft then the next bad day takes you over your agreed limit and you are in trouble.

The first few weeks of the holidays were lovely. My emotional bank balance was topped up and all was well. I could deal with the odd bad day with Katie because my account was in credit.
Now we are nearing the end my reserves are low. In order to top them up again I need to take some time out. Even 10 minutes sitting in my bedroom helps. It all keeps me away from that overdraft limit.

Make the most of good days while you can. Use them to top up your emotional bank balance and then when a bad day comes you will be ready. When you are suffering on that bad day remember that the debt will be repaid. Good times will come to top your account up.

How is your emotional bank balance at the moment? I’m still in my overdraft but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

An August Break catchup

Posted: 16 August 2010 in August Break 2010

I’ve been a bad blogger again lately, sorry about that. Instead of lots of separate posts I thought I’d do one photo heavy post to catch up on my August Break.

Blackpool Tower

Sitting on the dock of the bay…

My dad. We had Christmas in August. Much fun!

Groovy chick

Post holiday drink

My grown up girl

Steak and mushroom pie

This post is part of The August Break 2010

August Break #5

Posted: 8 August 2010 in August Break 2010
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We are on our holidays this week in Morecambe, on the north west cost of England. We played on the beach today and Katie was in her element. It was beautiful to watch.

August Break: Day 3

Posted: 5 August 2010 in August Break 2010

Today I waited in for my parcel again. At least this time it did arrive.


The new arrival…

This post is part of The August Break 2010

The August Break: Day 3

Posted: 4 August 2010 in August Break 2010

I spent today waiting in for a delivery that didn’t turn up. Incredibly frustrating. Ah well, at least I am getting the £5.62 delivery charge refunded.

This post is part of The August Break 2010

The August Break: Day 2

Posted: 3 August 2010 in August Break 2010

Today was hard for me. Katie was difficult and my temper was short. Still, we managed to make some wooden spoon people and ride scooters through the park:

This post is part of The August Break 2010

FOR TODAY… Tuesday 3rd August 2010

Outside my window… it is raining. Summer has been a bit of a washout again so far.

I am thinking… about what to do with my girls today. We had hoped to spend some time in the park but it looks like plans will have to change.

I am thankful for… Anthony having a week of annual leave next week. As much as I love spending time with my girls it will be so lovely to have him around to help for a whole week.

From the kitchen… Anthony made me a delicious coffee and walnut cake. There is still lots left and I’m pondering a cheeky mid-morning treat in a little while!

I am wearing… shorts and tshirt that are saved for wearing about the house. I normally get washed and dressed as soon as I am up but today I needed to laze around for a bit. I will get in the shower soon.

I am going… to see my mum and dad tomorrow! They have been away in their campervan in France, Luxembourg and Belgium for the last 3 and a half weeks. They also had a day trip into Germany. We have missed them terribly.

I am hoping… that the rain keeps away next week for our little holiday to Morecambe.

I am hearing… Katie playing with her doll. It is very cute indeed.

One of my favorite things… is being on my own. School holidays mean that I’m not getting much space but Anthony has said he will try his best to take the girls out on his own while we are away next week.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Tomorrow our new SodaStream will be delivered. We already had one but they discontinued the gas cylinders it takes. Such a waste 😦

Here is a picture I am sharing… “Mummy” by Katie (age 3)

Come and see more daybook entries here.

The August Break

Posted: 2 August 2010 in August Break 2010

I’m jumping on the August Break bandwagon because it seems like a great thing to be a part of. Here is my day one.