Archive for the ‘Sewing’ Category

Best of 2009: Project

Posted: 21 December 2009 in Best of 2009, Sewing
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Back in June 2008 I did a blog post that included 5 things I wanted to do before I die. Learn how to sew was one of them. Last Christmas I got a sewing machine and I set about teaching myself how to use it. I’ve made lots of bunting this year and managed to make a few bags.

Robyn and Katie are currently obsessed with picnics. We went for quite a few picnics in the summer and we keep saying we’ll take a picnic up into the hills, eating it in the car to keep warm! The girls love a picnic tea in the living room and like to put a blanket out for themselves and the dolls/teddy bears!

This week I bought a metre of red gingham fabric and hemmed it. It took me a matter of minutes… hey presto, a proper picnic blanket especially for my lovely girls. It is now wrapped up for Christmas. I’m going to make some napkins from some calico and wrap them up too. A wonderful present that costs hardly anything but a gift that is filled with love.

Learning to sew is a project that will carry on. In 2010 I want to make some clothes for the girls. I’ve not braved that one yet!

This post is part of  Gwen Bell’s Best of 2009 blog challenge

Chicken Pox

Posted: 30 September 2009 in Katie, Photography, Sewing
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Ahhh so Katie now has chickenpox. It really seems to be all go at the moment. I have made a start on my new photography course and it is all very exciting! It starts properly tomorrow which makes the chickenpox even more frustrating. Katie is off playgroup and I have lots to do including 2 sets of bunting to make for friends.

It’s all good though, I will look after Katie this week and hopefully she will be back at playgroup next week when I can get on with sewing and photography!


My new hobby

Posted: 6 March 2009 in Sewing

A while ago I was prompted to think of 5 things to do before I die. One of those things was to learn how to sew. I’m pleased to say that I set about this ambition and for Christmas I received my very 1st sewing machine.

I started out with some scraps of fabric and before long I had made a couple of bags for Katie to keep her toys in. Not bad someone who had only used a machine a couple of times (and that was almost 20 years ago at school!).

I got a book out of the library and found some instructions for making bunting. I made a set for each of my girls and was very proud of it. I showed it off on my Facebook page and a couple of friends got in touch asking if I would be willing to make some for their children too!

I’ve made quite a few sets now and have got better each time. I’m thinking of making some for Robyns teacher at the end of term to go in her classroom.

I’m so glad I started my new hobby. It’s fantastic to be able to create something so pretty out of a few bits of fabric! Soon I hope to make a skirt each for Robyn and Katie 🙂